Health Science
Health Science Core
Health Science Core Grade: 9-11 Credits: 2
Health Science Core is the first course in the health sciences career cluster. The topics covered in Health Science Core include safety, infection control, legal and ethical practices, career exploration, communication and teamwork, medical terminology, body organization, and basic anatomy and physiology of each major body system, along with various common diseases and disorders associated with each system. For student success in the health science program, the following prerequisites are in place: C or higher in English (the previous year); C or higher in math (last course taken); instructor approval. *9th-grade students are accepted on a case-by-case basis with director approval.
Healthcare and Clinical Services
Healthcare & Clinical Services Grade: 10-12 Credits: 2
The Health Care and Clinical Services (HCCS) course includes classroom and hands-on experiences that will provide students with an overview of the healthcare field, as outlined according to the health science cluster in the National Career Clusters Framework and the National Consortium on Health Science Education. It will also begin to prepare students for careers in occupations predicted to have a high job availability rate in the next 10 years. The HCCS program requires a minimum of 100 hours of clinical-type experience to be obtained by program completion. For students to experience success in the program, the following student prerequisites are in place: C or higher in Health Science Core; C or higher in Biology (or previous science); C or higher in English (the previous year); C or higher in math (last course taken); Instructor approval.